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Robert Dixon

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Robert began serving Antioch Church as our interim pastor in July 2023 and was called to the permanent position in November of that year.  A North Carolina native, he is a graduate of Asheville High School, the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.  He has been involved in vocational ministry since 1986 and has served as an associate minister or lead pastor for churches in Illinois, Georgia and here in North Carolina.  Before coming to Antioch Church he served as the association leader for the Middle Florida Baptist Association in Madison, Florida.  

Robert and Kim have been married since 1986.  They have four adult children and four grandchildren including twin girls.  Kim is a retired school administrator having graduated from Baylor University, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.  They look forward to meeting you when you visit Antioch Church.  

Music Leader

Danette Lyles

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Along with being the music leader for Antioch Church, Danette manages our membership rolls, keeps track of our church history and serves as president of our Women's Fellowship.  


Tonya Brewer

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Tonya accepted Christ at the age of five. She surrendered to full-time Christian service when she was seventeen. She is a native of Belews Creek, an accomplished pianist, vocalist, music teacher and vocal coach. Her heart's desire is to serve the local church in the areas of music and ladies ministry. She has one teenage son, Titus. 

Church Council Chairman

Raymond Hester

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Raymond grew-up in Antioch Church.  He leads our Church Council in overseeing the work of the church.


James Hester

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Not only is James the recording secretary for Antioch Church, he also serves as chairman of the Finance Committee.  


Marla Parham

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Marla manages the financial resources for Antioch Church.  

Financial Secretary

Janet Marsh

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Men's Fellowship President

Tim Marsh

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Tim leads our Men's Fellowship group and is our chief usher.  

Communication Director

Tracy Enscore

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Tracy helps Antioch Church keep our community informed about special events here.